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For 30 years, David P. Weiss has published literally hundreds of articles to address issues of interest to small and medium-size businesses, nonprofit corporations and individuals, in this easy-to-read and comprehensive format. All of those articles are assembled here on the e-LawLines blog for you – a free resource designed to help you navigate the sometimes-daunting legal landscape. Start browsing now!
Wayfair Tax Supports Tax Fairness
The Chesterfield Regional Chamber of Commerce (Chesterfield, Missouri) was asked to weigh in on the issue of the City of Chesterfield applying sales taxes to online purchases from out-of-state vendors. First, a little history. For decades, the United States Supreme...
Corporation vs. LLC – Is the Decision Any Clearer?
For years, it seems that choice of entity has been given, at best, only passing attention. While everyone contemplating starting a business has heard of corporations, that entity is viewed as their father’s entity, not the newer, hipper limited liability company...
The Devil’s (Still) in the Details: Deadlines and Liquidated Damages Clauses
A recent case out of Illinois illustrates the danger of failing to keep track of deadlines, and expounds on the purpose of liquidated damages. The facts of the case are rather straightforward, but the results surely must have stung for one of the parties. A contract...
The Presidential Directive Regarding Payroll Tax Deferral: Who’s Left Holding the Bag in 2021?
On Saturday, Aug. 8, 2020, President Donald Trump issued a presidential memorandum (not an executive order, as reported in the popular press) suggesting deferral of the employee portion of FICA taxes from Sept. 1, 2020, through the end of 2020. The full text of...