Contract Law

A contract – an exchange of promises between two or more parties to do or refrain from doing an act which is enforceable in a court of law – can touch upon almost any subject matter. In business, there are contracts that are common to most companies and sometimes use relatively standard contract language, and then there are contracts that are unique to a particular industry or situation. No two contracts are exactly alike.

Contract Negotiations
In our practice of contract law, the first step is to carefully and fully document the parties’ objectives, the “basis of the bargain,” and also provide for those issues to which little, if any, thought has been given by the parties. These issues include defining what constitutes an event of default, cure periods (if any), termination rights, resort to alternative dispute resolution (mediation and arbitration) or to courts, venue for resolving any dispute, availability of recovering a party’s attorneys’ fees and a plethora of other issues, both of general nature and content-specific terms. We provide employment, distributorship, franchise, sales, non-compete and non-solicitation agreements to protect our clients. Having drafted contracts covering numerous situations in a wide variety of industries allows us to help you achieve and secure your objectives for any contract negotiation.

A sampling of the contract law services provided to small- and medium-sized businesses and individuals include:

Contract Law Articles

Liability of Successor-in-Interest for Assessments

Liability of Successor-in-Interest for Assessments

The Missouri Court of Appeals recently addressed a condominium declaration's provision that purportedly obligated a successor-in-interest to a unit to remain liable for the prior owner’s unpaid condominium assessments. In that case, the condominium association...

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