ERISA Compliance


Employers frequently provide their employees with the option to participate in some sort of 401(k), pension or other retirement plan. Most plans are governed by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), which requires employers and other plan fiduciaries to act prudently, loyally and with the highest regard for the interests of their employees and other plan participants when selecting plan investment options and investing plan assets. Failure to comply with ERISA can expose employers to liability from claims made by their employees or other plan beneficiaries. For instance, when an employer falls short on its ERISA fiduciary duties, plan participants can seek to hold the employer accountable for plan losses.

We are well-versed in the complicated ERISA regulations. Using this knowledge, we are able to effectively advise plan administrators and other ERISA fiduciaries, as well as plan participants, as to fiduciary duties and obligations to ensure that their retirement plan is being administered in compliance with ERISA. We have the resources necessary to diligently represent any business or individual involved in an employee benefits dispute within the greater St. Louis metropolitan area.