DOL Reaffirms and Adds to Recent IRS Guidance Regarding Employer Payment Plans — Effectively Shutting Down Any Payments by Employers for Individual Health Insurance Premiums

Does your business or employer pay for, or reimburse employees for, individual health insurance coverage? Did you know that as a result of the Affordable Care Act, such arrangements were prohibited beginning Jan. 1, 2014? On Nov. 6, 2014, the U.S. Department of Labor...

When Is a Duck Not a Duck? When a Duck Is an Individual Health Insurance Premium Reimbursement to a More-Than-2% Shareholder of an S Corporation

It’s not business as usual if you are a shareholder of an S corporation which is either paying directly, or reimbursing you, for your individual coverage health insurance premiums. Did you know that changes were required starting Jan. 1, 2014? Recently an FAQ...