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For 30 years, David P. Weiss has published literally hundreds of articles to address issues of interest to small and medium-size businesses, nonprofit corporations and individuals, in this easy-to-read and comprehensive format. All of those articles are assembled here on the e-LawLines blog for you – a free resource designed to help you navigate the sometimes-daunting legal landscape. Start browsing now!
Obama FLSA Rules Will Not Take Effect; However Future Changes to Salary-Test Imminent
In the final quarter of last year, many employers began frantic preparations in anticipation of a new DOL Overtime Rule that was to take effect December 1, 2016. This rule was to have raised the overtime salary-test exemption threshold from $23,600 to $46,476, meaning...
S Corporations — A Brief Summary
When forming a new company, it is important to consider not only the type of entity being formed but also how that entity will report and pay taxes. In certain situations, it may make sense for a corporation or LLC to elect to be taxed under subchapter S of the...
Court of Appeals Reinstates a Wrongful Discharge Claim Involving an Order of Protection
The Missouri Court of Appeals recently noted that while cognizant of an employer facing challenging situations in our modern workforce, an employer must not demand as a condition of continued employment that an employee act contrary to her physical safety by...
Proper Formation and Procedures for Condominium and HOA Committees
Frequently, when something novel is proposed to a condominium or subdivision association, or when an issue seems to dog an association, the board looks to approve a committee to study the issue, suggest options and report back to the board at some point in time. We’ve...