Affordable Care Act

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, also known as the Affordable Care Act (ACA), or colloquially as “Obamacare,” was signed into law in March of 2010 with the goal of increasing the quality and affordability of health insurance for millions of Americans.

While the Act’s employer shared responsibility payments will not apply until 2015, and in some cases, not until 2016, there are provisions and safe harbors to consider and decisions that can be made now that may help businesses, employees and a business’s bottom line. Further, there are many unintended consequences arising out of the ACA that business owners, both large and small, need to consider when administering health care arrangements.

We are carefully following the developments associated with the roll-out of ACA and are providing counsel to business owners and other professionals, helping them to address compliance issues, evaluate exposure to penalties and other tax issues as well as planning strategically for the future.

Affordable Care Act Articles

2013 Top Small Business Lawyer – David Weiss

2013 Top Small Business Lawyer – David Weiss

David Weiss recognized as one of the "Top Small Business Lawyers"for his dedication to small businesses in St. Louis. The February 2013 edition of St. Louis Small Business Monthly recognized an elite group of St. Louis attorneys as the "2013 Top Small Business...

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Sign your agreement! There are just some things I don't understand.One of them is why a company, a union, or an employer has their counterpart sign an agreement and yet they themselves never sign it. Sometimes the agreement even states that it is not effective until...

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Today Seems a Good Day to Thank Mighty Musial

Today Seems a Good Day to Thank Mighty Musial

When Stan the Man died on Saturday at the age of 92, it reminded us all of what we truly love about baseball. Hall of Famer Stanley Frank Musial, humble and scandal-free to the end, ground out impressive records day in and day out, just by performing his job. He...

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