Employment Law
We spend much of our lives in a workplace. Work is an important source of self worth, financial stability and the opportunity to utilize one’s talents and skills. Once an individual passes through his or her workplace door each day, there are important federal and state laws which pertain to the employer-employee relationship. We understand that while most people have a productive and satisfying career, there are times when the employment relationship needs to be documented, channeled, corrected, terminated, righted or resolved. We are available to consult and assist in all aspects of the employment relationship. having extensive experience in legal matters that involve addressing issues and rights in the workplace.
Our practice areas include:
- Affordable Care Act
- Americans with Disabilities Act
- Compliance and Risk Analysis
- Covenants Not-to-Compete (Non-Competition Agreements)
- Employment Contracts
- Defense of employment discrimination involving age (Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967), race, color, sex, religion, national origin (Missouri Human Rights Act and Civil Rights Act of 1964) or pregnancy
- Equal Pay Act
- ERISA Compliance
- Executive Employment Contracts
- Family and Medical Leave Act
- Physician Employment Agreements
- Reasonable Accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Missouri Human Rights Act (MHRA)
- Severance Agreements
- Sexual Harassment
- Trade Secrets Law
- Union Labor Issues
- Wage and Hour (Fair Labor Standards Act)
- Whistleblower Litigation and Public Policy Exception
Employment Law Articles
June 30, ACA Deadline Looming for Small Employers to Avoid $100-per-Day-per-Employee Penalties
Does your business or employer pay for, or reimburse employees for, individual health insurance coverage? Did you know that as a result of the Affordable Care Act, such arrangements were prohibited beginning January 1, 2014? Did you know that more-than-2% shareholders...
Can a LinkedIn Group Established as a Private Online Community Constitute a Trade Secret?
The modern legal issue of balancing privacy rights and the use of social media sites continues to be determined by emerging cases, such as the one faced recently by a federal court in Illinois concerning a LinkedIn group. In that matter, a company offered a variety of...
EEOC Increases Scrutiny of Criminal Background Checks for Job Applicants
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) recently issued a Strategic Enforcement Plan which lists as one of its priorities "Eliminating Barriers in Recruitment and Hiring." This priority includes legal challenges to policies and practices that exclude...
Turning Fifty? Welcome to the FMLA
Hitting the big 50, not with birthday candles but with a total number of employees, triggers the start of a company's obligations under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA). With the recent trend of increased hiring in the U.S. economy, now is the time to begin...