Affordable Care Act
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, also known as the Affordable Care Act (ACA), or colloquially as “Obamacare,” was signed into law in March of 2010 with the goal of increasing the quality and affordability of health insurance for millions of Americans.
While the Act’s employer shared responsibility payments will not apply until 2015, and in some cases, not until 2016, there are provisions and safe harbors to consider and decisions that can be made now that may help businesses, employees and a business’s bottom line. Further, there are many unintended consequences arising out of the ACA that business owners, both large and small, need to consider when administering health care arrangements.
We are carefully following the developments associated with the roll-out of ACA and are providing counsel to business owners and other professionals, helping them to address compliance issues, evaluate exposure to penalties and other tax issues as well as planning strategically for the future.
Affordable Care Act Articles
“Has the jury reached its verdict?” “Yes, your Honor, we have.”
At this moment, in the silence of the courtroom, anticipation speaks volumes: palms sweating, shallow breathing, butterflies in the gut, litigants searching the faces of 12 jurors for some hint of their decision. And then, a verdict arrives. From the Eastern District...
Contract Law: It Takes Two to Tango!
Just as in dancing, it always takes two to make an enforceable contract. In a recent contract law case involving a national restaurant chain, the court held that because a management representative of the restaurant chain had not signed the agreement, which contained...
Daughter’s Facebook Post Flaunts—and Forfeits—Dad’s $80,000 Settlement
When a Florida private school, Gulliver Schools, failed to renew Patrick Snay’s contract as the school's headmaster in 2010-2011, Snay filed a two-count lawsuit against the school, alleging age discrimination and retaliation under the Florida Civil Rights Act. The...
We’re Sorry
Last September, we opened our second office after 27 years in only downtown St. Louis. We settled on Chesterfield after considering a number of other locales. But never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined that two other St. Louis institutions also would have...