by e-LawLines | Oct 14, 2011 | Employment Law, Litigation
On October 4, 2011, the Missouri Court of Appeals reversed another decision by the Labor and Industrial Relations Commission (“Commission”) denying unemployment benefits to a claimant who had been involuntarily discharged from her employment. In Harris v. Div. of...
by e-LawLines | Sep 30, 2011 | Employment Law
Tab Evans was a Field Representative at Contract Callers, which performed services for St. Louis area utilities. On June 18, 2009, Evans was tasked to reconnect electrical service to Ameren UE customers in an apartment building. Evans tried to access the electrical...
by e-LawLines | Sep 26, 2011 | Employment Law
“Whenever you face a man who’s playing your instrument, there’s a competition.” Wynton Marsalis, American musician Just as musicians feel threatened by other musicians who play their instruments, employers feel threatened when former employees...
by e-LawLines | Sep 15, 2011 | Employment Law, Litigation
On September 13, 2011, the Missouri Court of Appeals departed from well-established Missouri caselaw in holding that individuals may bring occupational disease claims through civil actions even though they may also have workers’ compensation remedies available for the...
by e-LawLines | Sep 12, 2011 | Employment Law, Litigation
Section 288.030.1(23) of the Missouri Revised Statutes defines “misconduct” for purposes of unemployment benefits as: an act of wanton or willful disregard of the employer’s interest, a deliberate violation of the employer’s rules, a disregard of standards of behavior...