Various state and federal laws require employers to display certain posters for the benefit of both employees and customers informing them of key provisions in the law. Required posters pertaining to a broad spectrum of business and industry, including housing and public accommodations, are generally available online. The list immediately below describes posters required of the Missouri Department of Labor and Industrial Relations. Additional information can be obtained at

1. Notice to Workers Concerning Unemployment Benefits (MODES-B-2)
2. Workers’ Compensation Law (WC-106)
3. Discrimination in Employment (MCHR-9)
4. Missouri Minimum Wage Law (LS-52)
5. Employer’s Employing Workers Under the Age of 16 List (LS-43) — for employers who employ youth under the age of 16
6. Discrimination in Housing (MCHR-6) — for employers in the business of sale or rental of housing
7. Discrimination in Public Accommodations (MCHR-7) — for employers doing business in places open to the public

Employers within the state of Illinois are required to display certain posters for the benefit of both employees and customers informing them of key provisions in Illinois law. The list immediately below describes posters required of the Illinois Department of Labor. There are additional posters required for specialized industries, including, but not limited to, construction contractors utilizing independent contractors, all public-sector employers, and day and temporary labor service agencies. Additional information can be obtained at

1. Your Rights Under Illinois Employment Laws (IL452-6/08 50M IISG08-1151)
2. Workers’ Compensation Notice (ICPN 12/04)
3. Unemployment Insurance Benefits Notice (4427/BEN-57)
4. Emergency Care for Choking (IOCI0140-09)
5. Smoke-Free Illinois Act (IISG 08-227)

Some of the statutes and regulations enforced by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) require that notices be provided to employees and/or posted in the workplace. The DOL’s Poster Advisor can be used to determine which poster(s) employers are required to display at their place(s) of business. Posters can be downloaded and printed directly from the Advisor at Some of the posters of general applicability include:

1. Employee Rights Under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FSLA / Minimum Wage)
2. Job Safety and Health: It’s the Law (Occupational Safety and Health Act)
3. Employee Rights and Responsibilities Under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
4. Employee Polygraph Protection Act (EPPA)

All of the posters must be posted in a place where other employee notices are posted or in a conspicuous place where employees will have access to it.