When we decided to open a second location to complement our downtown office, Chesterfield was a natural choice. Once that business decision was made, well, simply sticking our toe in the water to test the temperature has never been our style.

If our firm decides to tackle something, we’re all in.

Since our office opened in Chesterfield, our entire team has been getting to know our business neighbors, becoming involved with the community and is actively working with the Chesterfield Chamber to support business success in the region.

While we see this as a part of doing business in Chesterfield, the Chamber didn’t agree.

At the recent monthly meeting of the Chesterfield Chamber of Commerce, David was picked on … picked on in a good way! Through the course of the Chamber lunch, several members were recognized for various reasons, each of which furthered the mission of the Chamber, and David was presented with an Individual Service Award for 2014.

Business Attorney David Weiss recognized at Chesterfield Chamber

You see, when it comes to our work – whether it is through civic groups like the Chamber or legal matters for you – we’re all in!