We are pleased to announce that we have opened a second office in Chesterfield, Missouri. Chesterfield Missouri West County business law office

Located at 400 Chesterfield Center, our new office is conveniently situated in the southwest corner of the intersection of I-64/40 and Clarkson Road, adjacent to the Chesterfield Mall.

While our firm’s headquarters will remain downtown at 1015 Locust, where we have served our clients for more than 25 years, we can now meet with you at either location — down-town or West County — whichever is most convenient for you.

As a law firm serving the entire metropolitan St. Louis region, we believe the continued growth and opportunity along the I-64/40 corridor, and the Chesterfield Valley in particular, is a natural complement to our existing downtown location and a valuable convenience for clients operating businesses or residing farther west. While many law firms are contemplating consolidation, we see this additional office as another opportunity to provide you with even better service.

Please let us know if we can assist you with your business or individual legal matters. Our attorneys continue to provide big-firm representation with small-firm service in the areas of corporate, commercial, real estate, tax and estate planning.

If you would like to meet with us — at either location — please call 314.588.9500 or email [email protected] to schedule an appointment. Our main phone number serves both offices.

As always, we thank you for your trust and your referrals.