July 1, 2012, marks our 25th anniversary at Weiss Attorneys at Law. Wow! There is a lot to be said for a milestone such as this, but for me, personally, there is one word that sums it up perfectly: gratitude. Gratitude for the opportunity to represent such a wonderful and diverse mix of clients; gratitude for the wonderful staff I have worked with over the years; and gratitude for my family.

Gratitude for Our Clients

First, I am grateful for our clients. Though that may go without saying, I would like to say it anyway! My staff and I have been fortunate to have had the opportunity to represent a wide array of clients with diverse issues that help to make a small practice like ours interesting and even fun!

Here are just a few of my fond memories from the past 25 years:

• A good friend of the firm once sent over his personal fire truck to pick us up and took us to a small pocket park for a catered lunch, which he had prepared. We still have the firemen hats in the office! (Thanks, Tom!)

• There have been Fortune 100 clients who have retained us on single matters, teaching us along the way that our work could be appreciated by companies much larger than ever imagined in our wildest dreams. (Thanks, Mel!)

• There was the opportunity in a client matter to tour all 10 floors of a flour mill to see something as basic and ubiquitous as how flour is made. Very educational. (Thanks Gregg and Stan!)

• Road trips to see our clients performing their magic firsthand, making a convention happen for 50,000-plus people, or to a small town nestled in the Adirondacks, all part of partnering with a client that keeps us challenged and energized. (Thanks, Michael, John and Kevin!)

• And one of my clients, a machine shop owner who knows I love trains, would call me to come over and see up close old steam locomotives that they were rebuilding for the Museum of Transportation. (Thanks, Terry!)

While these are the extraordinary and occasionally fun experiences we have run across in 25 years, for most of our clients and their situations we have been retained to perform routine but vital legal matters: get them started in a business; handle a contract or tax matter; deal with an employment or a partner issue; handle a real estate or a homeowner’s association matter; or to assist them in planning for their personal estates. These are all fundamental matters in which we, at Weiss Attorneys at Law, strive to accomplish our clients’ objectives in a first-class and economical manner.

What I am trying to say to each of you is “thank you for entrusting your matters with us.” Whether they are routine or out of the ordinary, we appreciate the opportunity to serve you.

Gratitude for My Staff

Second, I want to genuinely thank my staff, both those with us today and those who have worked with us over the years. Each of our staff members is an absolute standout, whether it’s one of our attorneys handling your matters, the paralegal or legal assistant attending to various details, or the secretary or our office manager answering your question or giving you other assistance. They work hard at their respective jobs, and the support staff members are quick to know what and often how to move any number of particular matters along in an orderly fashion. Needless to say, each of them has my gratitude for jobs well done.

Gratitude for My Family

Finally, I am grateful to my parents, who instilled a work ethic in each of their six children. My dad had his own store and worked tirelessly to be the best in his business. He lost the store because of a governmental action as simple as changing the direction of the traffic flow in front of his store, thereby preventing customers from turning off the thoroughfare onto the side street in front of his pharmacy. As he said, “People buy drugs on their way home from work, not on the way to work.” A very simple lesson learned at an early age on the power of government.

In gratitude to my mom who, in keeping with the work ethic theme that permeated our home, taught each of us how important it was to volunteer at whatever level best fit our talents and not to be afraid of challenging ourselves and trying new things.

My siblings, Jane, Bill, Elise, Andrea and Mimi, have all been very supportive through these 25 years, with all but one having worked for or provided services to the firm. (And they have each been a great source of referrals — thank you each for doing that!)

And last, but not least, to my three special girls, Megan, Aileen and Judy who help me keep perspective and always give boundless encouragement to do new things and have fun while doing them.

In Closing …

To our clients, thank you again for allowing each of us at this firm that bears my name the opportunity to be of service to you. It is, after all, all about how we can be of service to you and assist you to reach your dreams, goals and objectives. My staff and I look forward to continuing to do so for the next 25 years!


David P. Weiss
Attorney and Managing Officer
[email protected]

Weiss Attorneys at Law
1015 Locust Street, Suite 400
St. Louis, MO 63101

P.S. Feel free to share your memories and experiences with Weiss Attorneys at Law by leaving a comment here on our website, drop me a note in the mail, or email me at [email protected]. I look forward to hearing from you!